ESR6 – Cristina Soldini

Nationality : Italian
Contact : cristina.soldini@uni-tuebingen.de
Supervisor: Eberhart Zrenner
Host organization: Tuebingen University
Secondments: EPFL / Okuvision GmbH
Individual research project: Investigation of the electrical-stimulation induced beneficiary effects on diseased retina
I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious (Albert Einstein)”
I believe that there is no better motto to describe who I am and why I decided to do research.
I grew up in the small village of Treia, Italy. I started my studies at the University of Camerino with a BSc in Biotechnology and I received my MSc degree in Neuroscience from the University of Trieste after completing my Master thesis at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. Before moving to University of Tuebingen, I got an International Mobility Scholarship for five months to support an internship at the Institut de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences de Paris, France.
During my studies, I have worked as an educator, the amazement of children at what surrounds them, and their continuous questions encouraged me to commit myself to the world of scientific research. Unrevealing how human beings are capable of thoughts and emotions, how human beings can move, see, speak, learn and retain memory and how they are affected in disorders is my goal in life.
The Entrain vision project allows me to feed my hunger for knowledge and my desire to help others. It gives me a unique opportunity to contribute with all that I have to give a hope to 39 million blind people worldwide.
The prospect that the knowledge I generate may help to improve the therapy and therefore the quality of life in affected patients is pleasing and gratifying.