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enTRAIN Vision Summer School in Paris, France

enTRAIN Vision Summer School in Paris, France 1878 1048 enTRAIN VISION

The first enTRAIN Vision summer school will take place in Paris on November 2021. We will focus on approaches to visual restauration. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this summer school…

enTRAIN Vision: ESRs First meeting

enTRAIN Vision: ESRs First meeting 1600 900 enTRAIN VISION

On the 1st of February, our ESR team composed of 15 young researchers met for the first time since the beginning of the project. Due to Covid-19, the meeting was…

enTRAIN Vision Kick-off meeting!

enTRAIN Vision Kick-off meeting! 430 293 enTRAIN VISION

The Kick-off meeting of enTRAIN Vision will take place on 24th September 2020. Due to the COVD-19 travel and meeting restriction, the meeting will be held remotely. Supervisors, ESRs and…

Extended deadline!

Extended deadline! 430 293 enTRAIN VISION

The submission deadline for ESR4, ESR5, ESR6, ESR9, ESR10, ESR13, ESR14 and ESR15 has been postponed to 29th May 2020! Apply now to join a network of leading labs in…

enTRAIN Vision recruitment process is launched!

enTRAIN Vision recruitment process is launched! 430 293 enTRAIN VISION

15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) will join the enTRAIN Vision network and work on innovative technologies for restoring vision in blind patients. Their training in academic institutes or industry will…